What Are cat Scratches On Leather?


Guilty Cat Scratched Leather Sofa

Guilty Cat Scratched Leather Sofa


Cats can damage leather by padding at the surface, as the cats withdraw its claws, they pull up small bits of leather leaving a nasty scar and pull on the surface.

When cats scratch the surface, it leaves tiny fibres of leather pulled up in the air and the surface is damaged with tiny holes, sometimes the cats can puncture the surface fully creating thousands of tiny holes all the way through the leather hide.

Cat Damage On Sofa

Cat Damage On Sofa


Cat scratches on leather can be repaired with the correct leather repair products.

To repair the cat scratches, you will require several products to carry this out fully. You require sandpaper, a leather repair kit, fibre binder, and a heavy filler.

The first stage of the process is to use the leather prep within the kit supplied and rub this over the surface to prepare the area ready for repair, once this has been completed, you will then sand off any small areas that sticking up, then apply some leather glue to glue down any bigger pulls that are sticking up, you then apply fibre binder to the full area and allow to dry, then sand fully to smooth out the rough areas. Once this is competed you would apply heavy filler to fill any small holes allow to dry and then sand smooth.

Now you have prepared and repaired the areas, you can start to apply the leather colourant that’s in the kit supplied. You may need to perfect any small areas left at this stage with more filler, once that’s done re apply colour and then the clear coat lacquer to complete the repair process.

Cat Scratches On Sofa Front

Cat Scratches On Sofa Front

Cat Scratches On Sofa Front Repaired

Cat Scratches On Sofa Front Repaired


Some types of leather can easily be repaired, pigmented leather is easy to repair as the surface has a coating applied that can be repaired with fillers and glue, whereas  aniline leathers are almost impossible as fillers can’t be used due to the leather being very natural and this will take away from the natural leather when using fillers.

Cat Scratches To Leather Sofa Arm

Cat Scratches To Leather Sofa Arm


This video may help you with the process.


in Leather Tags: cat scratchespet scratches