What Are Tan Colours?
Tan is a shade of a colour, tan is made up from multiple different colours, some see tan as a beige, others see it as a red colour.
- White is one of the main components of tan. If you want a darker strong, very warm shade of tan, you would add black to the mix with equal parts of red scarlet.
Bright Yellow
- Bright yellow is the colour that you just need a few drops of, but the brightness of bright yellow helps give the tan colour its signature look. Without yellow, you would just have a brown shade.
- Black is used to give the tan darkness, and turning it to a shade of brown, if you add too much black in, simply add in red scarlet to get you back to the London tan again and then bright yellow.
Red Scarlet
- Red scarlet is a very necessary paint colour to make tan, with the red scarlet, this helps gain that stunning tan look, if you’re looking for a deep London tan colour add more red scarlet and bright yellow
There are many ways to make a tan, depending on the shade you require, but the above gives you the basic information you will require, if you ever require your tan to go lighter white always lightens any colour, black always darkens any colour, the key to mixing your Tan shades is the white, bright yellow and red scarlet. The more black you add to the mix the darker the tan will become, but when adding black add some red scarlet and some bright yellow as well.
Some times when mixing it’s the shade that can be out, this can be changed by mixing together 70% white with 30% black to gain a nice grey colour, the grey will change that mid tone shade make it blend in much better, but you don’t need a lot of the grey just a few drops, if it goes too mucky looking just add in more of the above three main colours, white, yellow and red scarlet.
There are so many variations of tan and what people think is tan and what tan actually is, some describe tan what the paint industry calls beige.