What Is A Leather Encyclopedia?


The Encyclopedia is an online portal for all things leather.

The encyclopedia contains everything you need to know about leather from how to clean leather to ID leather and to restoring leather.

We’ve made the encyclopedia to help people around the world gain an understanding of the leather trade and to help with all issues around leather.

The Encyclopedia has a wealth of information to help you with any aspect of leather.

It’s a portal where you can discover the world of leather and everything is at your fingertips allowing you to understand the trade and leather hides much better than guessing your way through an industry.

Its been written by the industries leading experts on leather, it includes everything you will ever need from tanning hides to what is used and what types of animals can be used for the leather trade.

The encyclopedia contains information on leather car interior colours as well as leather furniture, leather jackets, leather shoes, fashion goods and accessories.

If you find something isn’t in this guide do let us know by emailing help@prorestorers.co.uk and we can add the sections you want to learn about.

Its designed to be an education portal where you can gain a wealth of knowledge about leather.

To find out how you can introduce leather repairs to your existing business or to start a new business go to this training section.

You can view full ranges of leather care products by visiting the Leather Care Products pages.


The site has a wealth of knowledge surrounding leather, how its made, tanned and even cared for in the future, forming a huge part of the circular economy.

in Leather Tags: leather dictionaryleather encyclopaedialeather encyclopedia