What Is The Leathersellers Company?


leathersellers crest

The Leathersellers Crest


The Leathersellers was founded by the royal charter in 1444 to control the sale of leather, it’s one of the livery companies based in London and ranks fifteenth in order of precedence.

Today the company no longer has its regularity roles, but devotes its time to charitable causes, the British leather trade and to education.

The leathersellers company used to be a very powerful source, it has no longer got that control it once had, but actively helps the leather industry and promotes the trade as much as possible.

The Leathersellers is made up of 150 liveryman and a number of freeman, the company is governed by an elected master, three wardens and the court of assistants. Each summer a new master is appointed in a traditional ceremony.

The leather worshipful company has a rich history in the leather trade that spans over hundreds of years.

As well as the Leathersellers, there’s is also the leather institute, the BLC technology centre and leather conservation company, all these different organisations help with the leather trade, legal issues and conservation of antique materials.

There are many type of livery companies based in London, not just for the supply of leather skins, but you get other sectors also.

in Leather Tags: leathersellersThe Leathersellers Company