What Is Maroquin Leather?

Maroquin Leather Book Bindings

Maroquin Leathers Book Bindings

Maroquin leather mainly used from a Goat, but the term Maroquin has several meaning, Levant the French Maroquin, or German Saffian.

It’s a Moroccan town, very famous for its leather production.

The main uses for the Maroquin Leathers was book bindings, leather gloves, ladies and men’s upper shoes.

Wallets, handbag linings and fine luxury luggage were also made with Maroquin leathers.

Maroquin Leather Handbag

Maroquin Handbags All Leather

The original most common colours of Maroquin Leathers was brown, red, black, and green, the Maroquin leather was used widely for book bindings as it showed of the gilding perfectly and gave a beautiful crisp finish.

The Cloven hoofed goat is the most common goat in Morocco, they will only climb one particular type of tree as well, called the Argania Spinosa, seeing the goats in the trees in Morocco is a strange sight, but what they are after is the fruit from the trees, they love them and are naturally attracted to them.


Cloven Hoofed Goat In Trees

Cloven Hoofed Goat In Trees

With tourists flocking to Morocco to see such weird sights, farmers have purchased large herds of goats to create tourist attractions for people to see and watch these amazing creatures climbing trees with its unique hoofed feet.

It’s producing a fantastic income for farmers, not just from the tourists, but then the hides, the milk, cheese and meet, all of which give the farmers a fantastic sustainable income from many sectors.

With leather production, not all Moroccan leathers was from Morocco, some of the higher quality goat skins were imported from Northern Nigeria.

Maroquin Leather

Maroquin Coloured Leather

Not all Moroccan leather is goat skin, other skins were starting to be used by the late 19th century, like sheep and pig skin, other skins that were used with split calf skins.

Tanning process varied so much with Moroccan leather, the French Morocco is a variety of sheep skin, the main materials used for tanning were sumac, sumac is a natural plant that grows in subtropical climates, the reason behind using the Sumac, Sumaq or even Sumach are its different ways it can be spelt and pronounced in different areas, is because the trees that can grow as high at 32 feet, have an abundance of natural tannins in its leaves and bark, so this gave the people the perfect choice for tanning the Moroccan – Maroquin leathers with natural products.


Sumac Bright Flowers

Sumac Bright Flowers

Sumac Trees

Sumac Trees

in Leather Tags: calf skingoat skinMaroquin Leatherpig skinsheep skinSumac